Kamis, 28 Juni 2012

it's kind of weird-random day !

Last night I watched a serial movie which the tittle is "How I Met Your Mother". It's so funny, awesome, and attractive one for sure. I like all of the characters there. They have unique personality and bring the different taste that when we combine them in one place there is only one word which suitable. It's "LEGEN..." wait, what is the next..."DARY",,Yup it's legendary said Barney- one of the character in that movie. I couldn't stop watching them although my eyes were so sleepy. The story is about a man named Theodore Mosby or just call him Ted who tell his children about how he met their mother. The story of Ted is described by scenes attractively. It's not only Ted, but in those scenes also Ted's best friends name Marshal Erickson, Lily Aldrin, Robin S, and Barney- and of course another people who has relationship with them until they find "the one who lives for the rest of their life".

The scene that I watched last night about Ted that tried to move on after his broke up with Robin -it was the second broke up with Robin actually. After past uneasy way in forgetting Robin, he found a girl name blah-blah-blah (forget the name) and he wanted to introduce blah-blah to his friends, but unfortunately they didn't like her. Ted was so sad why his friend couldn't like her. He thought blah-blah is a beautiful-nice-hot girl that impossible they couldn't accept, but finally his friends told him why they didn't like her. It was because of she talked soooo much, really that much until everybody was bored. Gather with friends is for sharing anything with each other, so if there is one person that dominated, there will be no sharing at all, won't there.

After he heard that explanation he finally realized that his friends were totally right. He remembered he couldn't tell what he wants because blah-blah didn't give him a chance to speak up, even when they jogged together Ted left her behind because of she talked too much. But he didn't realized at all until his friends told him on that day. The first time Ted knew bad habit of blah-blah, he couldn't admit it to his friends even he a little bit annoyed why they told him about that. As if they had not told him, he would have been still like blah-blah, so he wanted to make a revenge. Than he told Marshal the bad habit of Lily is she chewed so loudly as if there were hard things in her mouth!- Marshal was married with Lily. After realized, Marshal tried to be cool, but he couldn't. Every time Lily eat besides Marshal, he will be really disturbed by her loudly chewing, and finally Marshal told Lily that he don't like the way she eats. Lily who was upset blame Ted, why he told Marshal an important things like that. " I hate Ted, why he always criticize people, he is not perfect too!" she said. Than she told Robin about it, and Robin told Ted what Lily said, but Ted became upset too. He couldn't admit that he had a bad habit. Robin couldn't believe that he is so egoist, she said to Ted that Lily was true. After that Ted told Robin that she had a bad habit too. Robin got used to saying a sentence with an unappropriated word. Marshal was laugh at Robin and though Ted was true too. Than Robin said "you have a bad habit too Marshal, you always hum every time you do any job, and it's disturbing". Barney laugh at them and said " look, you all have bad habit, but me,,hahahhaha".

Aaaaaand everybody than said a lot of Barney's bad habit. Yep, they finally shouted to each other and criticized of course, until Marshal remembered he had to check an announcement about his test graduation become a lawyer. Suddenly Marshal ran to the laptop and cheered loudly, " I DID IT! I BECOME A LAWYER GUYS!!!". Suddenly they all stop fighting and hug Marshal together and go to the bar to celebrate his graduation. And you know what, they do their bad habit along the celebration, and nobody care about it anymore. That whats friend are for, to remind the bad of our beloved friend without thinking of leaving of hate them. And if they can't change than accept it kindly, because you have your own bad habit too ;).


Yep, that was the scene that I watched last night. I don't know why but it's kind of weird today because I have the same -or similiar condition between that scene and a little incident in my office. You know what, today I speak up the bad habit of my boss in front of his face, yep I said that. Aaaand I feel a little bit guilty to him. I think I'm too hard on him :(. This noon we have a problem in solving tax, so I think I have to find the government rule in the internet. While I searching it, he always bother me and it's really disturbed. He is panic I think, so he can't just sit down calmly. I know the deadline is tomorrow so I think we can make it, we can solve the problem before the deadline. But you know he stiiiiiil bother me with panic. And than finally I said
" I think you should just leave me and wait for my searching patiently, I can't work with you that always bother me, it's so disturbing, can you please just calm down??"
And he said " what? what you said? I can't be calm? when I do that thing? I am calm".
"No, you don't !"
" Since when I am not calm in solving problem?"
" Since long time ago, the first problem came to us, you never calm"
Than he left to pray dzhuhur. Fieeewh,, I said that and I feel like I'm in the movie last night who tell the bad about another people while they don't realize until we tell them. It's make me relieved?mmm I don't think so. It is for the first but I don't know why I'm little bit feel guilty because after pray he comes to me calmly and nicely as if I didn't criticize him at all. But than I remember that he did the same thing- criticize me few moths ago. The first time I couldn't admit it, but than I try to be better. It's a lit bit annoyed but than when you try to make your self better it's kind of you want to thank to the people who criticize you. Maybe he will think that  I don't mean to hurt him, it's just a try to make him better in order to make our relationship become great. Yep we criticized each other and once again it's suck, but I hope it will make us better.

"There is nobody perfect, but we can make a perfect relationship by accept any other imperfection perfectly."

Jumat, 08 Juni 2012

No Tittle

Pagi menjelang siang di hari Jum'at emang bawaannya males kerja, soalnya bentar lagi kan jumatan trus istirahat, trus ngobrol, trus solat, trus kapan kerjanyaaa??? Hihihi,,ya paling orang2 mulai efektif kerja sekitar jam 2 apa jam 3 kali yah, itu aja klo ga pada mudik. Jadi intinya hari Jum'at itu hari untuk leyeh2 *klo ga ada deadline, atau bisa jadi hari paling sibuk soalnya Jum'at itu akhir periode yang artinya itu hari terakhir untuk transaksi. Tapiii berhubung minggu ini dana kita udah abis sejak hari Rabu, jadilah Jum'at ini saya ga ada kerjaan, kalaupun ada sifatnya ga mendesak sih, jadilah saya buka2 kaskus sambil denger lagu. Belum lama saya liat2 thread, ada satu judul yang menarik perhatian saya, ya sekilas sih tentang FPI gitu yang lagi-lagi bentrok dengan alasan membela syariat Islam.

Judulnya adalah Kaos "TUHAN, agamaMu apa?" BENTROK dengan FPI, setelah saya baca thread nya, pertanyaan yang pertama kali muncul dalam otak saya adalah "memangnya Tuhan lemah sampai harus dibela oleh manusia?". Memang, logikanya apabila kita menyayangi seseorang, apapun akan kita lakukan apabila orang itu disakiti atau dilecehkan oleh orang lainnya. Tapi sebelum kita melakukan sesuatu untuk membela orang yang kita sayangi, sebaiknya kita mengenal betul karakter dia dan apa permasalahannya. Karena bisa jadi apa yang kita lakukan justru bisa membuat dia tidak bahagia bahkan tidak merasa tertolong dengan perbuatan kita. Kita tidak seperti Tuhan yang Maha Tahu,maka kita tidak seharusnya menjadi sok tahu. Kita "merasa" tahu apa maunya Tuhan, kita "merasa" paling tahu tentang agama kita, dan semua itu menjadikan kita "merasa" berhak untuk menghakimi manusia lainnya. Apakah kita telah suci dari dosa atau telah menjadi paling benar sehingga kita bisa memutuskan siapa saja yang bersalah untuk tindakan tertentu, bahkan saking berkuasanya kita bisa memutuskan juga hukuman apa yang harus dijatuhkan. Mulai dari hukuman psikis dengan meneriakan caci maki, hingga hukuman fisik dengan melakukan tindakan anarki. Apakah Tuhan sebegitu lemahnya sehingga Ia tidak bisa menghukum orang yang berdosa, sampai manusia lain yang harus melakukannya. Renungkanlah sejenak, apakah perbuatan itu benar2 dikehendaki Tuhan? Bukannya semua tindak anarki itu hanya akan mempermalukan nama Tuhan didepan umat agama lainnya? Islam adalah agama yang penuh dengan kedamaian dan kasih sayang,bukan agama dengan nilai toleransi minim yang penuh anarki. Apabila ada saudara kita yang melakukan kesalahan apakah kita sendiri yang harus mengadilinya?. Bisa se-adil apakah seorang manusia?.

Bicara mengenai kesalahan dan adil, saya bisa menganalogikan apa yang terjadi pada diri saya sendiri. Saya adalah seorang wanita beragama Islam, saya pun tahu sudah menjadi kewajiban seorang muslimah untuk memakai hijab. Oleh karena itu setahun yang lalu saya mulai memakai kerudung, memang hanya kerudung, bukan jilbab yang sempurna menutup aurat. Pertanyaan saya adalah apa yang saya dapat atas keputusan saya memakai kerudung?. Saya yakin banyak orang di sana akan mengatakan yang saya dapatkan hanyalah dosa, karena aurat saya tetap tidak tertutup sempurna. Karena kerudung bukanlah jilbab. Tapi ada juga yang berpendapat saya akan mendapatkan pahala karena setidaknya saya belajar dan berkemauan untuk menutup rambut dan dada, saya juga tidak memakai baju atau celana pendek lagi. Dosa dan pahala hanyalah pendapat orang di luar sana, pendapat dari manusia dengan segala keterbatasan pengetahuan. Lihatlah betapa relatif batasan dosa dan pahala yang bisa diberikan oleh manusia. Jadi apakah yang sebenarnya saya dapat?Dosa atau pahala?. Saya sendiri pun tidak mengetahuinya, dan tidak juga dengan manusia lainnya. Bukankah yang tahu dan berhak menentukan dosa atau pahala hanya Tuhan?. Karena bagaimanapun hanya Dia yang bisa dengan adil untuk menentukan segalanya. Kita semua hanyalah manusia yang sama2 berusaha sedekat mungkin dengan Tuhan, dengan proses dan jalan yang berbeda, jadi haruskah kita saling menghakimi?. Ingatkanlah saudara kita yang salah dengan cara manusiawi yang jauh dari anarki, dan bela lah Tuhanmu dengan cara yang cerdas.

 Urusan setiap orang mengenai agamanya adalah hanya antara orang itu dan Tuhannya, bukan dengan manusia lain. Maka untukku agamaku dan untukmu agamamu. Marilah kita saling menghargai, baik dalam segi perbedaan keyakinan atau perbedaan proses pendekatan dengan Tuhan, karena sekecil apapun langkah manusia menuju Tuhan, Ia tetap dapat melihat, dan sejauh apapun kita keluar jalurNya, Ia juga tetap bisa melihat, jadi biarkanlah Tuhan yang memutuskan tindakan apa yang harus dilakukan pada makhlukNya.